“Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future”. Coco Chanel
I created The Rose because I had a desire to design bags. To sketch and have them manufactured.
I started The Rose because I felt that, in my situation, I would soon be unable to afford bags. So, I decided to draw them and try to have them made at a reasonable cost, in order to sell them at a reasonable price.
Then, at a leather and hardware fair, I met the owner of a Jewellery factory. It was at this point that I began designing rings and other jewels.
I was an architect, and we had two offices, one in Paris and the other in Saint-Rémy de Provence.
It’s been a long journey. One year after starting, I moved to Australia and discovered that I couldn't work on this brand until I became a permanent resident of the country.
Almost five years later, I was finally allowed to relaunch my brand.
I realized that the world had evolved just as I had predicted, and I understood that I should continue to try to act because I deeply cared about the way things were going.
The beautiful things became the privilege of a minority, while the majority had to settle for less beautiful things, all the while losing their self-determination. I don't know about you, but to me, this decline in quality and the subtle loss of freedom seem interconnected.
Humans are meant to be free and to enjoy beauty.
It is not without reason that over the past decades, the quality has been decreasing while prices have been rising. Beauty entails quality, as they say, "la belle ouvrage." (fine workmanship)
Everyone who desires it should be able to have a piece of luxury, even if it means redefining the notion of luxury.
Luxury is about exquisite craftsmanship, but it is also about common decency. These are the two pillars of The Rose, the two principles around which I try to align everything.